Featured Sponsors – THE FEATURED GROUP

Who is “The Featured Group“?

Our Sponsors of yesterday’s Single Stableford competition were The Featured Group.  The Featured Group is a group of eight MCGC Members that pooled their resources, purchased some shirts that they claim are “Watermelon” (but we know they are pink!), sponsored the club comp, played their round as guests of the Club, and finished off their morning with burgers from Rusty’s and a few cold ales.

The origins of The Featured Group goes back to a group of 4 likeminded golfers in 2019.  The group quickly expanded to 8 later in the year.  During 2020 when competitions at MCGC were suspended due to Covid, The Featured Group started their own internal competitions and to this day are still running an internal “Eclectic”, complete with handicap reductions and Weekly Trophies.

In 2021 they decided to answer Vice-President Margaret Betts’ call for any Members interested in Sponsoring a comp at MCGC.  As well as the event Sponsorship, the eight members each threw in a little bit extra to cover their lunch and make a day of it.

The Club is fortunate to have a number of Members – be it individuals, or small groups of Members, who feel the same way about their Club as The Featured Group do, and want to “give back” in this way.  If you are interested in forming a small group to sponsor a Club competition, please get in touch with Ian in the office.

The Featured Group are (l-r) Richard Cattel, David Cruice, Doug Shand, Terry Tregillis, Rod Heffernan, Geoff Turner, David Sadler & Peter Wolfenden.

On behalf of the Club and the Members, we thank The Featured Group for their support!