April/May Results in Atkinsons Air Order of Merit

Its a little while since we have done an update on the Atkinsons Air Order of Merit.  Please note below the recipients of the major points throughout April and May.


  • Week 1 – Glenn Zillman (38 – 300pts), John Cloonan (38 – 165pys)
  • Week 2 – Cory White (Nett 70 – 500pts), Grant Airey (70 – 300pts)
  • Week 3 – Fourball – no points
  • Week 4 – Rory Symes (40 – 300pts), Glen Charles (40 – 165pts), Steve Maxwell (40 – 105pts)


  • Week 1 – Washout – no points
  • Week 2 – Brett Whalley (44 – 300pts), Mike Rothemund (43 – 165pts)
  • Week 3 – Jason Miller (Nett 64 – 500pts), Peter Wolfenden (67 – 300pts)
  • Week 4 – Barry Degenhardt (43 – 300pts), Rory Symes (41 – 165pts), Ian Eaton (41 – 105pts)
  • Week 5 – Peter Wolfenden (44 – 300pts), Darren Bennett (40 – 165pts

The website and MCGC App are now up-to-date with current totals.  We will do a review of June results and a current Top 10 in early July.

The Atkinsons Air Order of Merit  is a points-based competition run over all Single competitions held on Saturday between the start of February and the December Monthly Medal in a Fedex Cup style format, where Monthly Medals and Club Championship rounds are worth more points than a regular Stableford etc.  This event offers a great opportunity for those that play consistent golf, week-in, week-out.  To illustrate this point, last year’s winner Garry Williamsz won the maximum points just once across the 10-month competition.

We are extremely grateful to MCGC Corporate Member Craig Atkinson from Atkinsons Air for his support of this event.

CLICK HERE for the full conditions of the 2021 Atkinsons Air Order of Merit.