Captain’s Newsletter

Dear Members,

Welcome to the Club Captain’s October Report.

Course Markings

The Match Committee has made changes to the following holes:

  • 3rd hole: A permanent drop zone has been provided in front of the men’s blue/white tee box ( over the road in the general area)
  • 4th hole: A permanent drop zone has been provided in front of the men’s blue/white tee box (on the right hand side of the ladies red tee box in the general area)

This is to help protect the tees from overuse.

New penalty area

  • 13th hole: On the left hand side of the general area red stakes have been provided to the entire length of the hole from the commencement of the general area to the GUR area next to the nursery.

The intention of this change is to help speed up play.

Course Maintenance Works

During this time of the year, the course is getting much needed maintenance with the aim being to maintain and improve the course throughout the golfing calendar. Thanks to Todd and his team who are undertaking these works. The gardening ladies are busy spring planting around the Clubhouse. Members will agree the gardens are looking great. Also thanks to the Friday boys for the continuing and selfless work they do to help improve the course and in particular the rough. This is helping our wayward golfers in finding their errant golf balls, thus speeding up play.

Slow play and sand buckets

Please stay alert to where you are in respect to your fellow groups and keep within the 4.10 hours time limit for the round. Faster if possible please.

It is the responsibility of all golfers to carry a bucket and repair their divots. Please keep a lookout for rogue divots and fill them in as well.

Golf Results

The following players took out their respective Monthly Medals during July:

  • Wednesday Women’s – Jan Porter
  • Midweek Mens – Paul Norman
  • Saturday Women’s  – Jan Silbery
  • Saturday Men’s A Grade – Peter West
  • Saturday Men’s B Grade – Wayne Clohesy
  • Saturday Men’s C Grade – Don Dalgleish

Congratulations to all the winners


None on our course but our Vets Captain (Nigel Moody) had his first one ever at Pacific Harbour during our Vets visit. (Should ensure me a decent starting hole at our next home game).

SBG Golf Mixed Foursomes Championship

MCGC winners:

  • Gross Champions: Pam Hunt/Stephen Scheepers
  • Gross Runners-Up: Michael Car/Cheryl Sutherland.
  • Net Runners-Up: Peter Wolfenden/Diane Chard.
  • 18 hole Gross Winners: Tiaan Scheepers/Jean Brkic
  • Others MCGC prize winners – Sam Brown/Mark Brown, Cathy Tregillis/Terry Tregillis

Click here for full results of both the SBG Golf Mixed Foursomes and Mount Coolum Mixed Foursomes Championship.

Congratulations all.

Upcoming Events

  • Men’s and Women’s 4BBB Stroke  – Including the Qualifying for the Men’s Fourball Matchplay (Sat 30th October)
  • Men’s and Women’s 4BBB Stableford Shake Up (Wed 17th November)
  • Club Presentation (Sun 7th November) – Due to Covid Restrictions, this event is for invited Members and their gusts only.  We hope that those invited can attend to celebrate their achievements during 2021.
  • Men’s Foursomes Championship – This event was bumped out of its original date by the Covid-enforced rescheduling of our Club Championship,and will now be held on Sunday 28th November.

Checkout the MCGC program or weekly newsletter for updates.

New Members

We had 26 new playing members (across all categories) endorsed at our October meeting.  Welcome – and happy golfing to everyone.

Course usage September:

Course Monthly Average: 4730 players.

Total for September: 5392 players.


Thank you to all Members for your support during the initial stages of my term as Club Captain – I look forward to the year ahead.

Good golfing!



 Paul Radnell

Club Captain