David Richards Storms Home to Claim Thursday Triple Challenge

Three high-quality rounds from David Richards has seen him storm home to take out the Thursday Triple Challenge in fine style yesterday.

David, playing off 11 in the final round, played all three rounds under par, after scoring 37pts in the Stableford, Nett 70 in the stroke, and +2 in the Single v Par, for a total of 173 pts.

In second place overall was another consistent performer in Bill Betts – who had rounds of 37pts, Nett 69, and -1 for 166 pts.

The winners of the respective Grade prizes were as follows:

  • A Grade – Mick Ludeke – 161 pts
  • B Grade – John Cloonan – 162 pts
  • C Grade – Trish Bently – 133pts
  • Women’s – Jenny Smallcombe – 143 pts.

The recipients of these prizes will be presented their awards at the 2022 Annual Presentation function.